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- Dr Fuad Abed Abass
Dr Fuad Abed Abass
Dr Fuad Abed Abass
- Immunology and allergy
- Paediatric medicine
St John of God Midland Public and Private Hospitals
Midland 6056 WA
Appointment times
Where we are
Dr Fuad Abass is a certified paediatric allergist and clinical immunologist, now offering consultations to private paediatric patients at St John of God Midland Public and Private Hospitals.
Fuad will be providing the following services in the clinic:
- Diagnosis and management of various allergic disorders, including food allergy, hayfever, asthma and eczema.
- Guidance for food introduction in high risk infants.
- Faltering growth secondary to multiple food allergies.
- Skin Prick Testing.
- Management of anaphylaxis and provision of EpiPen/Anapen training.
- Angioedema and chronic urticaria.
- Sublingual and subcutaneous immunotherapies.
- Diagnosis and management of children with recurrent infections.
Fuad completed his advanced specialist training from the Department of Immunology at Perth Children's Hospital. In addition, he holds Australian Fellowship in General Paediatrics and Membership of the Royal College of Paediatric and Child Health from the United Kingdom.
- Immunology and allergy
- Paediatric medicine
- Allergy
- Paediatric immunology and allergy
- Skin prick testing
- Arabic
- Hindi
- Urdu
Telehealth consultations: No
Treats Children: Yes
Treats self-funded patients: No
EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) ID: missuite