Visiting medical officers

Your specialist practice with St John of God Health Care

Our facilities, equipment, technology and reputation for providing high quality health care has attracted many of Australia’s leading specialists to choose to work at our hospitals.

When you choose to practice at our hospitals you and your patients are supported by our well-trained and highly-skilled nurses, allied health practitioners, medical professionals and other health care workers.

We welcome you to establish your private practice with St John of God Health Care and become part of a tradition that stretches back more than 120 years.

Browse St John of God Health Care's practice locations.

Your guide to entering private practice

Moving into private practice gives specialists the freedom to establish their own professional direction, independence and flexibility, so you can manage your work/life balance.
Read the guide

Events and professional development

St John of God Health Care partners with specialists to design and present high quality in-person and online RACGP accredited CPD programs.
GP education

Enquire about private practice
