• For medical professionals
For medical professionals

For medical professionals

Information for Doctors

The Chief Executive Officer/Director of Nursing is the first point of contact for any medical practitioner queries.

All medical practitioners and allied health professionals must be accredited and hold clinical privileges in order to admit patients or consult at St John of God Frankston Rehabilitation Hospital.


Patients may be referred directly to us using our referral forms:

Who can refer?

  • Medical staff (surgeons, physicians, general practitioners)
  • Physiotherapists, occupational therapists, nurses and case coordinators are welcome to refer but a referral from a medical professional is also required.

For information regarding patient admission, please call our Patient Flow and Clinical Systems Coordinator:

Tel: 03 9788 3380

Accreditation process

All applications for clinical admitting rights are reviewed by our Credentialing Committee and final approval is via our Medical Advisory Committee who make recommendations to the Chief Executive Officer/Director of Nursing (CEO/DON).

You must provide evidence of professional indemnity and medical registration as a part of our initial and ongoing accreditation process.

You may then receive interim approval for temporary privileges by the CEO/DON until the next meeting of the Credentials Committee, which formally considers and approves or rejects applications. This process is in line with the governance of our Medical By-Laws.

You will be notified of any approval or accreditation you are granted and if your application is unsuccessful.

For further information about the accreditation process, please contact our Chief Executive Officer/Director of Nursing:
Tel: 03 9788 3301

By-laws for health professionals

The St John of God Health Care By-laws set out the terms and conditions which medical practitioners must comply with to seek accreditation to admit and care for patients at our hospital. 

Education and training

We offer GP education evenings providing GPs an opportunity to earn professional development points as required by the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners.

Stay up-to-date with the latest medical and surgical information by attending our regular Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) accredited professional development sessions as listed below or visit our GP Hub for more information. 

GP support services

Our GP liaison officers are here to encourage and improve the exchange of information, cooperation, and quality of communication between our hospital and general practice in relation to patients and to services provided by the hospital.

GP Liaison Officer - South East Melbourne Hospitals
Keely Wright 
Tel: 0438 168 903 
[email protected]

Specialist listing

Visit Find a Specialist to view the profiles of St John of God Langmore Centre specialists.
Download and print our comprehensive list of South East Melbourne specialists.

More information

Tel: 03 9788 3333
Email: [email protected]