

DonateLife works with St John of God Health Care to raise awareness about organ and tissue donation, encourage discussion about donation, offer compassionate support to donor families and manage effective services in organ and tissue donation.

Donate Life week

More than most, we know the effects organ donation can have on a recipients’ life, but all too often the conversation around a person's wishes to donate isn't discussed.

So let’s talk about organ donation registration

With many Australians on the waitlist for a lifesaving transplant, every new registration counts.

Registration is important and so is having a conversation about it. 

Did you know?

  • In 2018, 9 out of 10 families agreed to donation when their family member was on the donor register. 
  • Consent for donation was given in 7 out of 10 cases when the family had prior knowledge of their loved one’s wishes. This dropped to 5 out of 10 families agreeing to donation when the family was unaware of their wishes.
  • More than 1,400 Australians are today on waitlists for a life-saving or life-transforming transplant with a further 11,000 people on dialysis of whom many would benefit from a kidney transplant.

If you are willing to one day save lives by becoming an organ and tissue donor, please register and discuss your decision with your family and friends.

If you would like more information, please visit: