Dr Paul Jarrett

Dr Paul Jarrett

  • Orthopaedic surgery
Murdoch Orthopaedic Clinic
Suite 10, 100 Murdoch Drive
Murdoch 6150 WA
1300 527 738
1300 527 329

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Mr Paul Jarrett treats all conditions of the hand and upper limb including bone, joint, tendon, ligament and nerve problems and injuries. He caters for all conditions of the hand and upper limb and hand therapists are available in the rooms during some clinics.

He is happy to accept WorkCover referrals as well as private referrals.

Mr Jarrett is an experienced specialist orthopaedic and hand surgeon who has trained in the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand. Following specialist training, he completed the one-year British Society for Surgery of the Hand Interface Fellowship in hand surgery at the St Andrew’s Plastic Surgery Centre in Chelmsford, which is one of Europe’s largest hand surgery centres. Mr Jarrett also trained in peripheral nerve surgery at the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital, England.

Mr Jarrett is currently Clinical Senior Lecturer at the University of Western Australia and Adjunct Senior Lecturer to Notre Dame University, and his involvement in orthopaedic research has seen his peer-reviewed papers published in international journals such as the Journal of Hand Surgery European volume, Journal of Hand Surgery: American Volume, and Microsurgery. 

He has also presented at many national and international scientific meetings and regularly teaches medical students, orthopaedic surgeon trainees, orthopaedic and plastic surgeons and allied health professionals.

He has a passion for research and teaching and is a trainer for orthopaedic surgery trainees and lectures to medical students in both Western Australian medical schools regularly, and to physiotherapy students as well as GPs on an ongoing basis. He presents at regional, national and international meetings and has many publications in orthopaedic and hand surgery journals.

Mr Jarrett also offers a weekly clinic and operating session at Fremantle Hospital where he is the Head of Department of Hand Surgery and where he sees all his public non-insured patients.

Paul would be delighted to provide specialist care for your shoulder, hand and upper limb patients for WorkCover and private patients.

  • Orthopaedic surgery

Clinical interests:
  • Hand surgery
  • Shoulder and elbow orthopaedics
  • Shoulder surgery
  • Upper limb surgery
  • Wrist surgery

  • MBChB
  • FAOA

Telehealth consultations: Yes

Treats Children: Yes

Treats self-funded patients: No

Murdoch Orthopaedic Clinic
Suite 10, 100 Murdoch Drive
Murdoch 6150 WA
1300 527 738
1300 527 329

Where we are

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