Celebrating Foundation Day in 2023
5 Oct 2023
On the arrival of the first eight Sisters of St John of God in Western Australia in 1895, the social media of the day (the newspapers) stated:
The sisterhood of St John of God to which these ladies belong…differs from many Catholic sisterhoods in the fact that the members are prepared to nurse the sick in their homes…
- Kalgoorlie Miner, 14 December 1895
The Order is devoted to the care of the sick and dying, and this its members undertake either in hospitals or in the homes of the sufferers – being always ready to minister indifferently to the rich or to the poor, to the exalted in rank or the lowly.
- Catholic Press (Sydney), 21 December 1895
From this newsworthy beginning, the Sisters of St John of God continued to influence health care in Australia. This tradition of care based around human dignity and being of service to the sick is what then guided and formed the Vision, Mission and Values of St John of God Health Care that we know today.
In the same way that a baton is passed in a relay race, urging and trusting the next runner to take it further, the Sisters of St John of God handed on to each of us the baton of providing healing, hope and dignity. They have trusted that we will use our expertise to grow St John of God Health Care, and keep the ministry going for the generations to come.
Entrusted to care – stewards of service
Like good stewards… serve one another with whatever gift each of you has received.
1 Peter 4:10
Our caregivers undertake thousands of acts of service every work day – too many to count. Each caregiver has a gift to bring to their role – specialised clinical skills gained over years of experience, a smile of acknowledgement, a helping hand, an analytical mind, a generous spirit.
We are grateful to all the caregivers who work in our organisation, and the part they play in continuing to carry the baton forward in St John of God Health Care.
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