Submitting an application

Our Ethics Office is here to help guide you – whether you need to discuss an initial research idea or are ready to submit an application.

What we can help you with

  • Advice on research planning and design
  • Guidance on your best pathway for ethical review
  • Education and training opportunities for researchers and research support personnel
  • Achieving compliance with all regulatory requirements
  • Information and submission materials specific to your research.

For more information on how our committee works, download a copy of our brochure.

St John of God Health Care Research Handbook and useful forms

Our committee’s research handbook includes all forms for submissions, the committee’s terms of reference, meeting and submission dates, and a complete set of standard operating procedures.

This handbook is available to download for your reference, but is under constant review. Please refer periodically to the website to ensure you have the most current version of the handbook.

Contact us for more information

By phone or email

Tel: 08 6116 0542
Email: [email protected]  

Via our Executive Officer

St John of God Health Care HREC
PO Box 5753, St Georges Terrace
Perth WA 6831

By online enquiry

We will respond to your enquiry within two working days.
