Education and training

St John of God Health Care is committed to supporting research and ethics education and training as a means of fostering ethical research and high quality research with knowledge translation.

Research and Ethics Education Program

The St John of God Health Care Research and Ethics Education Program aims to support the professional development of researchers and research personnel and to foster a culture of research ethics, so as to contribute to clinical excellence and facilitate the St John of God Health Care Strategy: “to be the best performing healthcare provider in Australia by 2025.”

The theme of our 2023-2024 Research and Ethics Education Program is Strengthening our Research Culture and Embracing New Horizons in Research. With the new Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care National Clinical Trials Framework it is important to consolidate our research ethics and governance processes that facilitate clinical trial service provision and ensure research is embedded into clinical practice. We are also encouraged to incorporate new research and research ethics designs and concepts that optimise the research process and maximize the adoption of evidence-based care.

  • Locations:
  • Who can attend: all internal and external researchers, research personnel and others collaborating with St John of God Health Care in the conduct and/or review of research are welcome to attend.
  • Cost: free
  • Registrations and enquiries: for more information or to register for catering purposes, please contact Gorette De Jesus, Executive Officer, St John of God Health Care Ethics Committee at [email protected] or phone 08 6116 0542.

2023-2024 program


Date and venue Topic and speakers

Tuesday 8 August 2023
11.00am to 12.00noon
St John of God Subiaco Hospital Auditorium
with Webex

Followed by light lunch in the auditorium foyer.

The new accreditation framework for clinical trials: what it means for St John of God Health Care.

Prof Steve Webb
St John of God Health Care Director of Research 

Thursday 2 November 2023
1.00pm to 3.00pm
St John of God Midland Public and Private Hospitals Seminar Room

Followed by afternoon tea in the Seminar Room foyer.


Quality improvement (QI) and audit projects – what requires prior ethical review.

Mr Brendon Heley
Quality & Risk Manager, St John of God Midland Public and Private Hospitals

Ms Gorette De Jesus
Executive Officer, St John of God Health Care Human Research Ethics Committee 

Tuesday 12 December 2023
2.00pm to 3.00pm
St John of God Mt Lawley Conference Centre

Followed by afternoon tea.

Artificial intelligence, machine learning and the use of predictive data analytics in clinical research.

Prof Yogi Yogesan 
University of Notre Dame Australia and St John of God Midland Public and Private Hospitals Chair in Digital Health and Telemedicine 

Monday 12 February 2024
11.30am to 12.30pm
St John of God Murdoch Hospital Function Room 2

Followed by light lunch.

Virtual/decentralised clinical trials (DCTs) – ethical and governance considerations. 

Ms Lily McDonald/Ms Astrid Bauwens (TBA)
Bristol-Myers Squibb (BMS) representative

Ms Gorette De Jesus
Executive Officer, St John of God Health Care Human Research Ethics Committee 

Tuesday 9 April 2024
11.00am to 12.00noon
St John of God Subiaco Hospital Auditorium
with Webex

Followed by light lunch in the auditorium foyer.

Radiation exposure in research and the WA Radiation Council requirements.

Mr Cameron Storm
Medical Physicist, Medical & Scientific Services  

Tuesday 18 June 2024
12.00noon to 1.00pm
St John of God Midland Public and Private Hospitals Seminar Room

Followed by light lunch in the Seminar Room foyer.

Participant information sheet and consent forms (PICFs), simplified/altered consent and waivers.

Ms Gorette De Jesus
Executive Officer, St John of God Health Care Human Research Ethics Committee 


Good Clinical Research Practice TransCelerate Training

The Western Australian Health Translation Network (WAHTN) is a statewide consortium of major hospitals, medical research institutes and five universities, formed to capitalise on existing resources and expertise and the substantial state investment in new state-of-the-art facilities to translate research into better health for Western Australians.

This investment is inclusive of the provision of education and training in research and research ethics.

As a collaborating partner in WAHTN, St John of God Health Care health practitioners of all levels of experience and any clinical background, are able to access on a complimentary basis, the various online courses.

These courses cover a range of relevant and contemporary topics relating to research, and includes a Good Clinical Practice (GCP) TransCelerate credentialed course available through the WAHTN Research Education and Training Program (RETP).

The online GCP TransCelerate training provides participants with the necessary risk management strategies to undertake their research roles safely and ethically in accordance with the ethical principles and applicable regulatory requirements that govern research.

Participants in the training receive a three year TransCelerate credentialed certificate in GCP on completion.

Note: For information on the St John of God Health Care specific research governance processes (i.e. how to obtain St John of God Health Care Participating Site Operational Approval (PSOA) of research and how to make research submissions to the St John of God Health Care HREC please refer to the St John of God Health Care Research Handbook and contact the St John of God Health Care Ethics Office on 08 6116 0542 for further guidance.

More information

Tel: 08 6116 0542
Email: [email protected]

Online enquiries
