Dr Swe Myo Htet

Dr Swe Myo Htet

  • Haematology
Ballarat Cancer Care and Haematology
105 Webster Street
Ballarat 3350 VIC
03 5320 2420
03 5320 2423

Appointment times

Where we are

Swe completed physician and haematology training at University Hospital Geelong, Northern Hospital, Austin Hospital, Frankston Hospital and Healthscope Pathology.

Swe has a wide exposure in diagnosis and management of anaemia, haemostasis and thrombosis, lymphoproliferative disorders, myeloproliferative disorders, plasma cell disorders, acute leukaemia, obstetric haematology and transfusion medicine.

Swe is committed to collaborating with and assisting local doctors to organise investigations and management of blood disorders. Swe lives with his wife and daughter in Ballarat.

  • Haematology

  • MBBS
  • MRCP

Telehealth consultations: No

Treats Children: No

Treats self-funded patients: No

EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) ID: bcancerc

Ballarat Cancer Care and Haematology
105 Webster Street
Ballarat 3350 VIC
03 5320 2420
03 5320 2423

Where we are

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