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Breastfeeding podcast: episode 2

22 April 2021 Podcast
Maternity Podcast
In our second podcast episode, St John of God Murdoch Hospital Midwife and Lactation Consultant Jodi Albuquerque answers common questions about breastfeeding, including the what colostrum is and why its important, why skin-to-skin is so special and how long breastfeeding should take.

What is colostrum and why is it so important? Why is skin to skin so special? How long should breastfeeding take?

In our second podcast episode, St John of God Murdoch Hospital Registered Nurse and Lactation Consultant Jodi Albuquerque answers some of the common questions about breastfeeding, before delving deeper into how all new mums breastfeeding journeys are different and what to expect along the way.

Learn more about our maternity services.


Listen to episode one of our Breastfeeding podcast.

Jodi Albuquerque
Jodi Albuquerque - Registered Nurse and Lactation Consultant
Jodi Albuquerque is a Registered Nurse and Lactation Consultant at St John of God Murdoch Hospital.
Jodi Albuquerque
Jodi Albuquerque Registered Nurse and Lactation Consultant