- Working with us
- Volunteers
Volunteering at St John of God Murdoch Hospital

At Murdoch, we strive to deliver excellent patient care and enhance patient experience. Volunteers are a valuable and vital component to our services, patients, families, visitors and caregivers.
We currently have over 100 volunteers in our hospital ranging from 19 to 86 years old that help us improve the quality of patient care by supporting the clinical staff in their day-to-day operations and assisting patients and families throughout the hospital.
What can a volunteer do at Murdoch?
Volunteer tasks may include: interacting with patients, rounding on patient's rooms, identify any concerns and escalate to the coordinator or nurse manager on that particular ward.
Provide support, conversation and companionship to patients and visitors, for example:
- Reading to patients
- Waiting with relatives
- Rounding on patients.
- Run errands for patients eg. Buy newspapers/toiletries
- Provide directions to hospital facilities and services
- Identify and escalate any issues to the shift coordinator or nurse manager.
How can I benefit?
Our volunteers individual skills are utilised and enhanced where they are needed. We can help build up self-esteem and confidence in work environment, give you valuable experience in a health care environment, be part of a dynamic team, give you social opportunities and functions and an opportunity to help others.
What positions are there?
Positions available in the following areas;
- Meet and Greet / Concierge Service (main reception)
- Medical, Oncology and Surgical wards
- Intensive Care
- Emergency Department
- Gardening support
- Hospice
- Pastoral Services
- Cancer Centre
- Paediatric Unit
- Endoscopy
- Day Procedure Unit
We are now able to accommodate nursing students that need to complete a community log of volunteering hours as part of their course.
Essential volunteer requirements
To be considered for a volunteer caregiver role, you must:
- have excellent communication, listening and interpersonal skills with the ability to engage with a diverse range of people and interact with empathy, patience and understanding
- regard yourself as a people person who is interested and approachable in assisting and supporting a range of people from the community
- be over 18 years of age
- have a friendly, helpful and mature disposition and have a general positive attitude to contribute to a patient’s sense of wellbeing and the experience of their family and friends
- understand the concept of professional boundaries when engaging with patients and their families
- understand the importance of confidentiality and privacy
- have the time to commit to a volunteering role with ongoing reliable attendance for a minimum period of 12 months (does not apply to nursing student program)
- be prepared to attend an information and interview session
- be willing to undertake and complete an orientation session and induction into the role
- be able and willing to undertake and complete a certificate standard, an on-line short generic healthcare related training module. This is to be completed in your own time and has an annual refresher requirement.
- medium-level computer skills
- be prepared to undergo certain personal checks (e.g. 100 point Identification check; National Police check) and sign adherence to hospital policies and procedures
- understand and support the Mission and Values of St John of God Hospital Murdoch
- be non-judgmental and open to the diversity of people from differing spiritual and religious beliefs, ideas, cultures, religions, philosophies, attitudes and expectations that you may come in contact with while a volunteer caregiver.
Expressions of interest
If you are interested in becoming a Volunteer at Murdoch, please email [email protected]