Consumer engagement

At St John of God Murdoch Hospital, we like to harness the experience and advice of our community members to ultimately enhance the hospital’s decision-making process through increased engagement with our consumers.

Members assist the hospital in an advisory capacity to achieve an optimal level of patient satisfaction with regards to standard of care, treatment and service delivery.

We have consumer representation on both clinical and non-clinical committees, as well as project and redevelopment groups.

We provide a number of consumer engagement opportunities for you to have your say about our hospital.

Murdoch Consumer Advisory Group

The Murdoch Consumer Advisory Group (MCAG) includes patients, former patients and visitors and family.

This committee provides feedback to improve the experiences of our patients.

It meets every two months to review and provide input into:

  • hospital planning such as quality improvement plans, patient safety and quality and strategic and operational plans
  • signage and parking and whether patients and visitors can find their way around the hospital
  • research and brochures to make sure these are easily understandable
  • personal experiences within the hospital and how these are managed, such as complaints, patient care and waiting times.

Committee members need to have had a direct experience at the hospital, either as a patient, a loved one, or as a carer.

Application for membership

The hospital is seeking applications from willing participants who would like to join one or more of our various committees as a Consumer Representative. Members will be appointed for a term of 12-24 months, depending on which committee they are appointed to.

To apply please fill in the form below. 

Committee details

As a committee member, your role will include participating in discussions, information sharing and gathering activities, providing input and recommendations, presenting consumer perspectives and experiences as well as ensuring all committee deliberations and outcomes are consistent with St John of God Health Care Values and service ethos.

Committee members will provide input and recommendations to the hospital on policy, systems, service reform and developments and assist in the review of relevant consumer documents.

The majority of our committees run for 1-2 hours, either on a monthly or bi-monthly basis, with times and days varying dependent on the particular committee. In addition, there may be some preparation time required prior to each meeting.  


Murdoch Consumer Advisory Group (MCAG) 
Bi-monthly and usually on the second Tuesday of the month. Meeting time 5.00 to 7.00pm. 
Mainly consumers with caregiver membership.

Murdoch Mental Health Consumer Committee
Monthly on a Friday, but during business hours.
Mainly consumers with caregiver membership.

Patient Safety and Clinical Quality Committee 

Monthly with days and time varying, but during business hours. 
Mainly caregivers with consumer membership.

Comprehensive Care Committee
Bi-monthly with days and time varying, but during business hours. 
Mainly caregivers with consumer membership.

Medication Safety Committee 
Bi-monthly with days and time varying, but during business hours. 
Mainly caregivers with consumer membership.

Infection Control Committee 
Bi-monthly with days and time varying, but during business hours. 
Mainly caregivers with consumer membership.

Patient Experience Committee 
Monthly with days and time varying, but during business hours. 
Mainly caregivers with consumer membership.

Murdoch Strategic Research Committee 
Bi-monthly with days and time varying, but during business hours. 
Mainly caregivers with consumer membership.

Mission Support Committee

Monthly with days and time varying, but during business hours. 
Mainly caregivers with consumer membership.

Reconciliation Advisory Group
Bi-monthly with days and time varying, but during business hours.
Mainly caregivers with consumer membership.

Member appointment will be for an initial term of 12 months, unless terminated earlier by and at the discretion of either party upon (one week’s) written notice. Continuation of appointment is contingent on participation according to the Committee’s Terms of Reference. An invitation may be extended to members to serve an additional period.
Members will be paid a nominal sitting fee of $ 70.00 per meeting which will be processed after your attendance is confirmed by the meeting Chairperson. You will be required to complete a New Vendor Application Form and the Non-ABN Payment Form if you are successfully appointed as a consumer representative.
It is acknowledged that members may have business or personal interests which at times may be different to those of St John of God Murdoch Hospital and that you will have declared any conflicts that are apparent at the time of appointment. In the event that you become aware of any future potential conflicts of interest, these should be immediately disclosed to the Chairperson and/or Secretary.

Sensitive and confidential information which is not in the public domain may sometimes be disclosed to members on a confidential basis as part of committee discussions.

Such information should not be released or disclosed to any person, either during your appointment or following termination, without the prior consent of the Chairperson and/or Secretary. 

If members are unsure about the confidentiality status of particular information that has been disclosed to them, they should ask the Chairperson to clarify the position. 

Committee members may discuss in general terms the role and function of the committee, without reference to a specific meeting. Members have a responsibility to advise the Chairperson and/or Secretary of individual approaches by the media, health providers or any other person seeking information about issues that might be discussed at committee meetings.

Applicants who have been shortlisted will be contacted to arrange an interview. 

If shortlisted you will be required to undergo probity checks and to fill in a number of forms, including:

  • Statement of Confidentiality
  • Appointment Agreement
  • National Police Record Check (consent to check and release).

If you have questions about: the selection criteria, application process, receiving information in a different format or would like some assistance with your application, please contact:

Public Relations Officer
Tel: 08 9438 9597
Email: [email protected]

Other opportunities

We provide other opportunities to provide feedback about our care, service delivery and patient satisfaction, including:  

  • armchair advisor - you are invited to provide feedback by email about hospital information and processes
  • focus group member - be part of a one-off focus group to tell us about your experience as a patient at our hospital
  • committee member - serve on one of our key patient safety and quality committees , which meet about five times a year
  • training and education - speak to a group of nurses about your experience as a patient as part of their training and development.

For more information please contact:

Public Relations Officer
Tel: 08 9438 9597
Email[email protected]


Please complete following form to apply.