- Our services
- Community and youth
- Support for dads

- Emergency Department
- Medical and surgical
- Allied health
- Cardiac rehabilitation
- Chronic pain management
- Exercise physiology
- Falls prevention and balance
- Hydrotherapy
- Inpatient rehabilitation
- Neurological rehabilitation
- Occupational therapy
- Oncology rehabilitation
- Orthopaedic rehabilitation
- Outpatient rehabilitation
- Parkinson's disease
- Physiotherapy
- Pulmonary rehabilitation
- Reconditioning
- Speech pathology
- Stroke rehabilitation
- Community and youth
- Healthcare at Home
- Self-funded care
Support for dads
Perinatal mental health issues can affect both men and women. In fact, about one in 10 Australian fathers may experience perinatal depression or anxiety, often referred to as postnatal depression.
A new baby can also change your relationships with your partner, family and friends. You might feel afraid or helpless, an increased sense of financial responsibility, or frustration around intimacy.
If your partner is pregnant or you have recently welcomed a baby and you're struggling to adjust, you're not alone.
We understand the arrival of a new baby can be overwhelming. We're here to support your health and wellbeing so you can enjoy family life.
Our services that support new dads
Support for new dads is offered by our Raphael Services. These specialist services are available to fathers, mothers and other carers who experience anxiety, depression and other mental health issues during pregnancy and following childbirth (the perinatal period).
When your partner is suffering from perinatal depression or anxiety, you are twice as likely to experience some symptoms yourself.
Risk factors
Perinatal depression and anxiety can affect anyone and symptoms in men are the same as in women.
It's important to seek help as soon as you can. These conditions are treatable, and the earlier you start treatment, the sooner you can start to feel better.
Your general practitioner (GP) can refer you to a specialist support service such as our Raphael Services.
In the event of a crisis, contact your closest emergency department or call Lifeline on 13 11 14.
Benefits of our services
Our support services can assist and benefit you in a number of ways:
- by helping you understand your symptoms and feel more in control
- through holistic, patient-centred therapies to treat perinatal depression and anxiety in men as well as women
- by equipping you and your family with the tools you need to strengthen your relationships and return to an active, healthy and rewarding life.
These benefits depend on your particular circumstances and require you to fully participate in necessary care and management. You should consult a specialist in this area before deciding whether treatment is suitable for you.
Other support services
You can also access support through:
- PANDA (Perinatal Anxiety and Depression Australia) Tel: 1300 726 306
- beyondblue Tel: 1300 224 636
- MensLine Australia Tel: 1300 789 978
- People caring for a partner with a mental illness can access support services through Carers Australia Tel: 1800 242 636.
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