
St John of God Richmond Hospital joined the St John of God Health Care group in 2007 after the group took on responsibility for running the Hospitaller Order of St John of God’s Australian and New Zealand Services.

The original hospital, Belmont House, was opened in 1952 by the Brothers of St John of God to provide a safe place for men to receive care for a mental illness.

Cardinal Sir Norman Gilroy, who blessed and dedicated the new hospital in 1952, said:

“The foundations for a great hospital for men who are mentally ill had been laid. The blessing of Almighty God had been invoked upon that foundation. From this humble but solid foundation a splendid edifice is destined to rise a work of charity and mercy”

In November 1975 the hospital opened two new wings and expanded its services in psychiatric care and the treatment of alcohol and drug addictions.

Another wing was opened in January 1991 that now houses the nationally recognised Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Unit. We have a long history of treating service men and women with posttraumatic stress disorder, establishing the program in 1994.

Today, we are one of Sydney’s most renowned private psychiatric hospitals that provide a safe, structured and supportive place to recover.