
Feedback on your visit to our hospital is important to help us know what is working well and what improvements we can make. All feedback including concerns, complaints, suggestions or compliments are welcome.

Feedback photo_ 2021 annual report

You can provide feedback by phone, email, in person, in writing or through this website.

How to share feedback

  • Talk to your caregiver or a more senior caregiver
  • Talk to our Patient Experience Team on 08 9462 4000
  • Ask a caregiver for a feedback form to complete
  • Complete the online form below

Details to include

  • What occurred and when, with dates and times if possible and the people involved
  • What outcome you would like to see as a result of sharing your feedback
  • If you are happy to be contacted about your feedback, please provide your contact details

Concerns about a patient's condition

Every patient room contains a whiteboard with an escalation process (DASH) explained. This helps your family, friends, or carers to activate a clinical review or involvement of a nurse manager in situations of deterioration or concern.

External advocacy and support

The Health Consumers’ Council
Unit 6 Wellington Fair, 40 Lord Street
East Perth, WA, 6004
Tel: 08 9221 3422
Free call: 1800 620 780
Fax: 08 9221 5435

Feedback form for St John of God Midland Public Hospital