Bariatric surgery

Bariatric surgery, or weight loss surgery, can help in your fight against obesity, to potentially achieve significant and sustainable weight loss and improve related health conditions.

A couple standing in a field holding two young children, with the caption What have you got to lose?

The surgery works by reducing the portion sizes you can eat, controlling hunger and may have additional hormonal and metabolic effects that promote weight loss. You are still required to follow healthy eating habits and exercise regularly to achieve optimal results.

Choosing to have bariatric surgery may not be an easy decision and can follow a long weight management battle. We work closely with you and your general practitioner (GP) to help you understand the physical and emotional changes you may experience.

Our expert surgical teams use the latest minimally invasive techniques in weight loss surgery to help you recover faster and with less pain compared to open surgery. In most cases, your hospital stay will range between one and four days depending on the procedure.

Bariatric surgery procedures

Procedures include:

Gastric sleeve

This procedure reduces the size of the stomach by surgically removing about two thirds of the outer part of the stomach. This leaves a long, narrow tube or sleeve which means you will feel full after consuming much less food. Removing most of the upper stomach (fundus) also decreases levels of the hunger hormone ghrelin. This is the most common weight loss procedure performed in Australia.

Gastric banding or lap-banding

An inflatable silicone band is tied around the upper end of the stomach, near the food pipe. It can be adjusted by injecting or removing fluid from a port placed under the skin. The pressure of the band forces you to eat slowly and reduces appetite. The band is removable if required.

Gastric bypass

There are many different types of gastric bypass. The stomach is usually divided into two sections with food only going into the smaller section. The small bowel is often also divided and rejoined so that food bypasses the larger section of stomach and the first part of the duodenum where digestion starts. This procedure may have particular advantages if you have type 2 diabetes or gastric reflux.

Intragastric balloon

A silicon balloon is inserted into the stomach via the mouth and food pipe (oesophagus) and inflated under vision using a fibreoptic telescope (endoscopy). Once inflated it restricts the amount you can eat and reduces hunger. It can be performed as a day procedure. The balloon must be removed after six months, through an endoscopy.

Benefits of bariatric surgery

Some benefits of bariatric surgery may include:

  • significant and sustained weight loss
  • increased energy
  • reduced blood pressure
  • reduced risk of diabetes, heart attack, stroke and other obesity-related conditions
  • better overall health and wellbeing.

These benefits depend on your particular circumstances and require you to fully participate in necessary before and after care and management. You should consult a specialist in this area before deciding whether surgery is suitable for you.

Peace of Mind Sleeve Gastrectomy Package

When you have everything to gain from losing excess weight, our $21,800 Peace of Mind Sleeve Gastrectomy Package can make the costs of weight loss surgery more manageable. 

St John of God Berwick Hospital together with our experienced bariatric surgeons offer a self-funded sleeve gastrectomy package which offers peace of mind by minimising the risk of unexpected bills. The unique package includes:

  • pre-admission assessment 
  • hospital charges from admission through to discharge
  • surgeon, assistant surgeon and anaesthetist fees
  • 28 day surgical and hospital cover if readmission is required
  • prosthesis
  • post-operative consultation
  • post-operative care management for 12 months.

Pathology, imaging and other tests recommended by the surgeon are excluded. 

The package offers a variety of benefits and may be suitable for patients who:

  • have obesity and weight loss concerns
  • have tried a variety of diets without long-term success
  • want to improve their health, wellbeing and quality of life
  • seek a proven, safe and effective weight loss solution
  • seek to self-fund (private health insurance not required. Payment plan options may be available).

Patients must meet selection criteria, including:

  • a BMI less than 50
  • body weight less than 180kg
  • no significant gastric reflux
  • no severe obstructive sleep apnoea
  • no co-morbidity indicating the need for ICU admission
  • no chronic pain
  • assessment by the medical, surgical and allied health team as being suitable for the low risk surgery package.


Our highly experienced surgeons have an intimate knowledge of obesity and its complexity as a recognised disease, which allows them to provide expertise and care without judgement. 

*Terms and conditions and selection criteria apply 

To learn more download our Peace of Mind Sleeve Gastrectomy fact sheet or complete the form below. 

Online form
