- Langmore Centre
- Our services
- Mental health and therapy
- Drug and alcohol addictions
- Alcohol and other drug addictions
- Anxiety
- Art therapy
- Bipolar
- Community workshops
- Depression
- Electroconvulsive therapy
- Mindfulness
- Mood disorders
- Obsessive compulsive disorder
- Older adult mental health
- Parent and infant unit
- Personality disorders
- Post traumatic stress disorder
- Psychiatry consultations
- Psychotherapy
- Psychotic disorders
- Self-funded care
- Transcranial magnetic stimulation
- Trauma counselling
Drug and alcohol addiction
Drug and alcohol addiction affects people from all walks of life. Our programs and our specialists are here to help you better understand why you use alcohol or drugs excessively, the impact it has on your life and to support you through your recovery.
What is drug and alcohol addiction?
Drug and alcohol addiction is a chronic condition where you are physically or psychologically dependent on drugs or alcohol or both.
Your addiction may leave you feeling as though you do not have control over your desire to use the substance which can cause harm and hurt to yourself or others.
How drug and alcohol addiction programs can help you
Our drug and alcohol addiction programs help you address the physical, emotional and social factors associated with substance abuse or drug or alcohol addiction.
Through our treatment programs, you will:
- understand your triggers for substance abuse
- get equipped with skills and techniques to control your addiction
- learn different ways to handle stress
- develop your capacity to deal with life’s challenges.
All programs are offered by experienced therapy teams and may include psychologists, psychiatrists, 12-step counsellors, registered nurses and other allied health professionals.
We include your family in your treatment and recovery as appropriate, and provide your loved ones regular information and support sessions are available to help them better manage and support you through your recovery journey.
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