Client feedback

Client feedback is regularly monitored by our hospital sites and health care services.

St John of God Health Care measures and reviews client experience and satisfaction. We encourage caregivers to seek feedback from our clients, their families and carers.

We use client feedback to improve personalised care across our clients' hospital stay.

What you can do

  • Respond to the feedback surveys we send out after you visit our hospitals and services.
  • Tell a caregiver if you ever feel unclear, unsure, unprepared or unhappy with your care – this allows us to fix problems as soon as possible.
  • Make a complaint if you remain unhappy – this will not impact your care.
  • Learn about your rights as a health care consumer – the Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights explains what you should expect at any Australian hospital.

What St John of God Health Care does

  • We actively monitor all responses we receive through our surveys and other feedback channels.
  • We contact clients and family members when we get negative feedback to understand and learn from concerns.
  • We have strict procedures for addressing formal complaints.
  • We actively seek out client feedback through multiple channels including our website, pamphlets, drop boxes and dedicated customer liaison officers.

How we measure feedback

Some of the ways we measure client feedback are explained below.

Your Experience of Service (YES)

The Your Experience of Service (YES) survey was developed by the National Consumer Experiences of Care project in 2010, funded by the Australian Government Department of Health. There are 26 questions that focus on person-centred, comprehensive care, communication, information, active participation, safety and overall quality of care.

YES is one of the ways we measure client experience in mental health care at St John of God Health Care.

If you would like more information on YES, visit the Australian Mental Health Outcomes and Classification Network (AMHOCN) website.

Net Promoter Score (NPS)

Net Promoter Score (NPS) is another way we measure patient satisfaction.

NPS measures consumer loyalty by gauging how willing a person is to recommend our hospitals to others.

St John of God Langmore Centre's feedback data

Bar graph showing average patient feedback scores from St John of God Langmore Centre to YES question 25: ‘The effect the service had on your overall wellbeing was’.  Vertical axis ranges from 1 (poor) to 5 (excellent).  Horizontal axis reports periods from quarter 3, 2022 to quarter 3, 2023.  Scores display as 4.15, 4.06, 4.25, 4.05, 4.22

We received a total of 375 survey responses across all the quarters displayed in this graph.

Bar graph showing average patient feedback scores from St John of God Langmore Centre to YES question 26: ‘Overall, how would you rate your experience of care’.  Vertical axis ranges from 1 (poor) to 5 (excellent).  Horizontal axis reports periods from quarter 3, 2022 to quarter 3, 2023.  Scores display as 4.25, 4.23, 4.42, 4.23, 4.49

We received a total of 375 survey responses across all the quarters displayed in this graph.

The YES question is displayed at the top of the graph, e.g. 'Overall, the quality of treatment and care I received was'

Clients choose an option that best aligns with their experience. This is converted to a score of one to five.

  • Excellent = 5 out of 5
  • Very Good = 4 out of 5
  • Good = 3 out of 5
  • Fair = 2 out of 5
  • Poor = 1 out of 5

The hospital's average YES score is displayed with the orange bar.

Results are displayed in three-month intervals. These time periods are noted across the bottom of the graph.

The highest possible score the hospital can achieve is 5.00 and the lowest is 1.00.

The higher the score the better.

St John of God Langmore Centre's Net Promoter Score

Line graph showing average inpatient Net Promoter Score for St John of God Langmore Centre.   Vertical axis ranges from 0 to 100.  Horizontal axis reports periods from quarter 3, 2022 to quarter 3, 2023.  Scores display as 58.1, 51.2, 68.1, 53.3, 64.7

We received a total of 555 survey responses across all the quarters displayed in this graph.

The hospital's average Net Promoter Score (NPS) is displayed with the orange line.

Results are displayed in three-month intervals. These time periods are noted across the bottom of the graph.

We ask our inpatients 'how likely are you to recommend this hospital to a family member or friend?'

Consumers choose a rating from zero (not at all likely) to 10 (extremely likely).

A score of nine or 10 is known as 'promoter' feedback, and is a positive result for any St John of God Health Care hospital or service. A score of six or less is classified as 'detractor' feedback, and is viewed as an opportunity to improve our services.

Net Promoter Score (NPS) is calculated from the percentage of promoters (positive feedback), minus the percentage of detractors (negative feedback). This gives each hospital a score between -100 and 100.

St John of God Health Care acknowledges the use of the Net Promoter Score (NPS). Net Promoter Score and NPS are registered trademarks of Bain & Company, Inc., Satmetrix Systems, Inc., and Fred Reichheld.

The highest possible score an organisation can achieve is 100. The higher the score the better.

A hospital score of 60 or more is considered 'good' and a score over 70 is a very strong result.