Creative Art Therapy Open Studio

The Creative Art Therapy program provides participants with a safe and supported space in which to explore and engage in the creative process of art making to improve physical, mental and emotional well-being.

Two people in an art room working on a piece on the table.

Through creating art and reflecting on an individual’s self-expression and inner world, participants can increase their awareness and acceptance of self and others, develop coping skills, relieve stress and anxiety, effect change and growth on a personal level and enjoy the life affirming pleasures of making art and engaging the imagination.

Each session begins with a check-in which provides participants with the opportunity to share how they are feeling with the facilitator and group members. Varied art materials and creative approaches are on offer each week.

This is a self-directed group where participants can choose to use the check-in as a beginning point or engage in their own self-directed creative exploration. The facilitator is available to assist group members with the creative process, expression and choice of materials.

Benefits of the day program?

The aim of this program is to give group members the opportunity to: 

  • Express feelings that may be difficult to verbalise
  • Explore their imagination and creativity
  • Improve self-esteem and confidence
  • Identify and clarify issues and concerns
  • Identify blocks to emotional expression and develop healthy coping skills

When does the program run?

The program runs weekly, on Wednesdays from 9.30am till 3.00pm This is an open and ongoing group, so patients can be referred into the group at any time. 

Program format

Group sessions, face-to-face.

Book your place:

To join the group, you will need a referral from your psychiatrist.

This group is skills-based. This means that it requires your active participation during sessions, and will require a pre-assessment from the group facilitator prior to being able to participate. 

Additional information:

For more information please contact our Transitions Team on 03 9773 7000 or fill in the form below and someone will be in contact with you.
