A rewarding rehabilitation career for Adrian
6 Oct 2022
How long have you worked at St John of God Warrnambool Hospital?
I’ve been with St John of God Health Care for 14 years.
Why were you interested in working with us?
I love working in a team environment and have a large team around me of nurses, doctors and allied health professionals all working together and having a lot of fun.
What do you enjoy most about working with us?
I really do love the team aspect and looking after our patients. Working in rehabilitation is really positive and working with a great team of people makes coming to work each day loads of fun.
What opportunities have you received while working with us?
I’ve had lots of support for professional development as a physiotherapist but also in my management work.
I did a Diploma of Management with St John of God Warrnambool Hospital very early after starting.
Now they have lots of scholarship opportunities available and career development for health professionals, which is wonderful.
What do you love about living in Warrnambool?
I think Warrnambool is the greatest place in the world. We’re right on the coast, it’s a beautiful area. We’re only five minutes in any direction and you’re out of town and back in the country. So it’s an amazing area to live and work.
There’s also lots of great schools and it’s a great place to raise a young family.
What do you want other people to know about working with St John of God Health Care?
Lots of places will talk about building a great culture and team to work with, but at St John of God Health Care we make that emphasis.
As a leader of my team, and with the other senior leaders of the hospital, we really trying to make everybody feel really welcomed and supported and give everyone the best opportunities to grow their careers as health professionals, and provide excellent care for all of our patients.
Do you and your team socialise outside of work?
A lot of the people at work, we catch up together on weekends to go surfing. A few of the guys love fishing, we’ll also catch up to watch the footy and have a few dinners out to celebrate special milestones for people in the team,
What does St John of God Health Care do to make you feel cared about in the workplace?
Particularly in the workplace we have lots of cakes to celebrate birthdays, we have lots of awards to recognise length of service for caregivers at the hospital, we also for people who really display our values in their day to day work. So there is lots of recognition and support. There’s also free scones for morning tea; always makes you feel really welcomed and valued at work.
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