Postnatal care

Postnatal care offers women who have given birth at Geraldton Health Campus the option to transfer to St John of God Geraldton Hospital for postnatal care, within four to six hours after birth. 


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Midwife with new mum and baby 

This postnatal care and support includes help with breastfeeding, parent-craft, care for mothers recovering after birth, and newborn wellbeing checks, and is modelled on similar postnatal-only services run internationally.

Through this model of care, women will give birth at Geraldton Health Campus and can choose to transfer to St John of God Geraldton Hospital for postnatal care with their baby in consultation with their treating team. 

St John of God Geraldton Hospital provides transport and clinical support from a midwife or nurse for women and babies who transfer to the hospital. 

When at the hospital, women will to be cared for by their obstetrician, as well as being supported by midwives, nurses, allied health clinicians and paediatricians.

The postnatal service offered mums and babies the opportunity to enjoy an extended hospital stay, with partners also able to stay in hospital overnight to spend time bonding as a family.