- Our services
- Mental health and therapy
- Personality disorders
- Anger management
- Anxiety
- Art therapy
- Gambling addiction
- Bipolar disorder
- Depression
- Drug and alcohol addictions
- Electroconvulsive therapy
- Mindfulness
- Mood disorders
- Mother and Baby Unit
- Obsessive compulsive disorder
- Perinatal mental health
- Personality disorders
- Pharmacy
- Post-traumatic stress disorder
- Psychotic disorders
- Schema therapy
- Sensory and writing groups
- Social support groups
- Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation - rTMS
- Community and youth
- Self-funded care
Personality disorders
We all have changing moods and act on impulse occasionally. For some people, this happens continually and to a much greater degree, making it difficult to go about everyday activities. Our programs support and help you understand and manage your changing moods and impulses.
What is a personality disorder?
A personality disorder, also known as borderline personality disorder, is a condition where you consistently experience overwhelming emotions, deep feeling of insecurity and impulsive behaviour.
You may be diagnosed with a personality disorder if:
- you have a history of self-destructive or impulsive behaviour which affects you and those around you, including frequent mood swings
- your emotions, thoughts and behaviour make it difficult for you to go about your day-to-day life
- you find it hard to change the way you do things, even when it negatively affects your ability to hold a job or maintain relationships with people.
How personality disorder programs can help you
Our personality disorders programs enhance your motivation and increase your own capabilities. Your treatment may involve medications, psychotherapies, exercise, nutrition and pastoral care as well as group or individual sessions with a psychologist or psychiatrist.
We offer dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT), which research shows helps people with borderline personality disorder, or traits of this disorder, and is effective at reducing suicidal behaviour, self-harm, substance use, anger, depression and improving general quality of life.
While this is our preferred treatment approach, we also offer cognitive behavioural therapy (CTB), mindfulness-based cognitive therapy or schema-focused therapy.
As an inpatient, you will have access to care and support to understand and manage your condition. Our general inpatient 'Wellbeing Program' incorporates group therapy which is based on DBT/CBT as the primary therapy option but we work closely with you to ensure you get the care that is right for you.While managing a personality disorder is often a long-term, ongoing process, our inpatient program gives you intensive support to help manage and control your emotions.
During your stay, we help you tackle the intense and acute symptoms you may experience.
What to expect?
When you choose to access our personality disorder treatment programs as an inpatient you will generally stay in hospital for 21-days. You may also access our general inpatient care where your length of stay is determined by your healthcare needs and through discussion with your treating team.
As an inpatient, you will have access to care and support to understand and manage your condition. We offer DBT as our primary therapy option but work closely with you to ensure you get the care that is right for you.
During your stay with us, you will explore topics including mindfulness, distress tolerance, emotion regulation and interpersonal effectiveness. You will also have access to a mix of individual and group-based therapies.
Referrals and costs
You will need a GP referral to access our inpatient personality disorder treatment programs.
Most private health insurers cover the costs of enrolling in our programs and excess or co-payment may be payable depending on your level of cover.
Care is also available through the Department of Veterans’ Affairs and Work Cover. Self-funded patients are welcome.
Interested in our personality disorder inpatient program?
To make an enquiry please fill in the form below.
Personality disorders often require ongoing care and support to help you manage your emotions to help you get the most from your daily activities.
Our day group programs provide the continual assistance so you can manage your condition once you return home or to support you without needing a hospital stay.
What to expect?
Our day group programs for personality disorders run almost year-round and are designed to suit your specific needs and requirements.
You can access our day group programs after a stay in hospital or through a referral from your GP. We can also access our personality disorder day group program in lead up to a hospital stay.
Make an enquiry to find out more.
Referrals and costs
A referral from your GP is needed to access our day personality disorder treatment programs.
Most private health insurers cover the costs involved with enrolling in our programs. Any excess and/or co-payment depends on your level of cover.
We can provide care through the Department of Veterans’ Affairs and Work Cover. We also welcome self-funded patients.
Interested in our personality disorder treatment day group program?
To make an enquiry please fill in the form below.
You can choose to see one of our psychiatrists who specialises in helping people with personality disorders. You can see a psychiatrist for individual appointments, in combination with a day program or as an inpatient.
What to expect?
Our psychiatrists will keep you informed about your rights regarding confidentiality, speak with you about your wellbeing, and work with you to develop a plan towards recovery. This plan can involve therapy and/or medication.
Single or ongoing appointments with your private psychiatrist are available.
Referrals and costs
A referral from a general practitioner is needed to see a private psychiatrist.
There is often a one-off fee for your first appointment with a private psychiatrist. We recommend you call your psychiatrist's rooms to check this cost before your appointment.
If your psychiatrist recommends you enrol in one of our anxiety treatment programs, the costs of these programs are covered by most private health insurers. Any excess and/or co-payment depends on your level of cover.
Interested in an appointment with a private psychiatrist?
To make an enquiry please fill in the form below or find a psychiatrist.
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