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Palliative care
Palliative care supports patients and families who are experiencing a potentially life-limiting condition, or an illness that is not responding to curative treatment.

Our palliative care helps you remain active and comfortable for as long as possible. We also help minimise any distress caused by pain and other symptoms. We support you to make important choices about your treatment and care.
Our caregivers do everything possible to ensure you and your family are fully supported when accessing our palliative care services.
Palliative care services
Our palliative care services support the physical, psychological, social and spiritual aspects of living with a life-limiting or terminal illness, including providing information, goal setting, and coordinating care.
Palliative care acknowledges dying as a natural part of life and includes good end-of-life care, but for some patients palliative care interventions have actually been shown to prolong life too.
We adopt a interdisciplinary approach involving a variety of health and social care professionals to help improve your quality of life. You are encouraged to be fully involved in the decision-making process when putting in place a palliative care plan.
Referrals to palliative care may be made through your treating doctor or General Practitioner. Your nurse can arrange referrals to other members of the palliative care service.
Palliative caregivers
We always put your comfort and health needs first. Your caregivers may include:
- a palliative care specialist who will explain the benefits of different medications and treatment options available for the control of pain, nausea and other symptoms
- nurses who will be in regular contact with you and your family, to answer questions about your care, and advise you on how to manage your symptoms and your care when you return home
- medial experts who can provide advice and prescriptions for appropriate medications to manage pain and other symptoms in addition to expertise in excellent care
- a counsellor to provide formal emotional support and help you develop coping strategies
- a social worker to provide emotional support and provide information about community resources and practical matters
- allied health professionals who can assist with your ongoing needs
- a pastoral care service that provides confidential personal support, and spiritual and religious ministry for those who want it.