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  • Ask how dad is going emotionally this Father's Day

Ask how dad is going emotionally this Father's Day

27 August 2018

Maternity Perinatal mental health Mental health
Raphael Services Manager Victoria East and NSW Janet Foggin says it is important to consider how dads are coping emotionally particularly when their partner is experiencing mental health issues during and/or after pregnancy.

We know that dads are more likely to experience depression or anxiety if their partner is experiencing these mental health issues during pregnancy or in the months and years after giving birth.

In Australia, as many as one in ten expecting or new dads will experience anxiety or depression during pregnancy and/or during the perinatal period. These figures are quite conservative – based on the number of people who speak up and get help – we think the incidence of these conditions could be much higher.

This is important to be aware of as when one partner is struggling, the family will not be functioning as well as they could be which has flow on effects for all.

That is why we think Father’s Day is a great opportunity to ask dad how he is coping and prompt him to seek help if he is struggling.

Tips for partners and family members to help dad this Father’s Day

  • Take the time to have a chat with him
  • Give him some time alone where he can take part in his favourite activities, or just enjoy some time alone
  • Partners, if you are seeking help with your emotional wellbeing, suggest that he could seek help as well
  • Take part in something he loves

Expectant or new dads

Women, if you are pregnant, your partner may have some questions. Use Father’s Day to keep him involved by:

  • taking a maternity tour together so he can see the hospital facilities
  • invite him to a doctor’s appointment so he can meet your obstetrician and ask any questions he may have
  • book an antenatal class so he knows what to expect and can prepare for parenthood
  • take some time out and enjoy a holiday together before your family adds a new member.
St John of God Raphael Services State Manager
Janet Foggin - St John of God Raphael Services State Manager
Janet Foggin is a mental health nurse and manager for St John of God Raphael Services locations in Victoria and New South Wales.
St John of God Raphael Services provides specialist mental health support for new and expecting parents, including no-cost counselling and therapy.