Palliative care research at Murdoch

Palliative care research focuses on improving care for patients with life threatening illnesses and their families. Research at St John of God Murdoch Hospital involves palliative care, emergency medicine and the clinical research unit.

Our focus is on appropriately directing medical interventions through identifying unmet patient palliative care needs, improving advance care planning and delivering caregiver education interventions. 

  • Palliative care aims to improve the quality of life for patients with life-threatening illness and their families by preventing and relieving pain and other symptoms and addressing psychological, social and spiritual issues.
  • Undertaking research and improving understanding in this field enables appropriate planning to ensure the palliative care needs of patients and their families can be met.
  • Identifying unmet palliative care needs
  • Improving advance care planning/advance decisions
  • Delivering palliative care education to caregivers
Dr Alison Parr
Professor Leanne Monterosso
Dr Gail Ross-Adjie
Professor Ian Rogers