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The top reasons people choose private maternity care

07 July 2021

How you manage your pregnancy and bring your baby into this world is a crucial decision for every new family. It’s also one that can be filled with uncertainty. Obstetrician Anne Hotchin shares her insights.

As expecting parents, you might just want to understand - in simple terms - why should I choose private maternity care? What exactly are the benefits?

Feedback from those who use our services can best answer that one. We hear the same 5 reasons, time after time, as to why people typically choose private maternity care with us

Here’s what they say:

1. I get to choose my own obstetrician

Choosing your own obstetrician is often high on the list of why people opt for private maternity care.

An obstetrician is a doctor who specialises in medical care for women throughout pregnancy and childbirth. They are qualified to provide both vaginal and caesarean births - ensuring they can be there for you, whatever your birthing situation.

Your obstetrician should positively influence your pregnancy and birthing journey, as a trusted source of information and guidance – selected by you.

During your pregnancy, they will typically see you:

  • monthly, until approximately 28 weeks
  • every two weeks, until 36 weeks; and then
  • weekly, until the birth of your baby.

They will understand your birthing preferences and be the medical lead for your baby’s birth into the world.

Going private ensures:

  • your choice of hospital
  • you choice of obstetrician and specialists
  • you and your baby will be monitored by your chosen obstetrician throughout your pregnancy
  • your obstetrician will do your postnatal (after birth) 6-week check-up.

2. I will have my own private room

Having a baby, particularly for the first time, can be a very personal experience which many new mums and dads want to enjoy in the privacy of their own hospital room.

Private room accommodation is offered to all maternity patients in our hospitals and we welcome partners to stay overnight. Our postnatal (after birth) rooms include an ensuite bathroom, comfortable chair for breastfeeding, baby care facilities, telephone and television.

We also have larger rooms available for families who have had multiple births.

3. My partner can stay with me

Those first few hours and days after the birth of your baby are incredibly special. They can also be challenging, as you adjust to life with your newborn baby.

Many new mums find their partner’s constant support and encouragement is essential during this time.

Private maternity care ensures your partner can stay with you at all times. This includes staying overnight as a boarder in your room.

The reassurance of being together – whenever you wish to be – is a key benefit within our maternity offering for many new parents.

4. I’ll be able to stay in hospital longer

The average length of stay in one of our private maternity hospitals is three to five days.

As a new mum, it can take the time to begin your recovery from childbirth and getting support in caring for your new baby is essential during this time.

There are several factors that may affect the time you need to spend in hospital after the birth of your baby.

As a general rule, if you and your baby are well, you may be able to go home on or before day four after birth (if you have had a vaginal delivery) or on or before day five (if you had your baby by caesarean section).

Many women experience a normal birth and choose to return home earlier – we can offer support to you and your baby through at-home visits by a midwife.

5. There’s always someone to talk to

You may have numerous questions about the various aspects of your pregnancy or childbirth.

Choosing your own obstetrician means you get to select the doctor who meets your needs and expectations. That includes being able to call them or their office to discuss your concerns with the people you know and trust.

Dr Anne Hotchin - Obstetrician and Gynaecologist
Dr Anne Hotchin is an experienced obstetrician and gynaecologist at St John of God Geelong Hospital.