
Pilot to assist frail patients in Emergency Department

A geriatric Emergency Department team has been established as a five-month trial at St John of God Midland Public and Private Hospitals, to enhance the care of frail older adults in the ED as well as support GPs.

22 Apr 2022

The team aims to provide early comprehensive multidisciplinary assessment and management of patients presenting from community and residential aged care facilities.

If you are unsure if an elderly patient needs to present to St John of God Midland Public and Private Hospitals' ED, please contact the Geriatric ED Team on 0438 493 292 (business hours only).

The team comprises a consultant geriatrician, registrar, nurse practitioner, physiotherapist, occupational therapist and social worker.

The objectives of the team are to identify patients who can be safely discharged from ED with early geriatrician follow up; enhance communication and shared care across hospital and primary health care services; provide information and referral to community services post hospital discharge; and provide an in-reach service to residential aged care facilities, where possible.