
WA first stroke robotic suite to lead to faster recovery for patients

St John of God Midland Public and Private Hospitals is the first facility in Western Australia to offer a state of the art Tyromotion robot and full suite of computer assisted devices, including three-dimensional virtual reality technology, to assist patients with regaining movement to their upper limbs following a stroke.

4 Nov 2019

Stroke rehabilitation robot at Midland

4 November 2019 

St John of God Midland Public Hospital CEO Michael Hogan said the hospital’s comprehensive Stroke Unit recently acquired the full suite of technology to enable our allied health professionals to treat patients who have suffered from a stroke or another neurological condition with more intensity, and to make the rehabilitation process more motivating.

 “The technology combines robotics and a sensor based computer system to enable patients with impaired motor function to easily undertake repetitive hand, arm and shoulder training,” he said.

“Importantly the robot and computer assisted therapy recreate the sensations of movement to fingers, arms and shoulders, which can stimulate the brain and boost the learning process for patients.

“Patients can be incredibly motivated at seeing how easily the technology can move their limbs.” 

Virtual reality can be integrated into therapy games to maintain a patient’s attention with undertaking repetitive and task-orientated movements as well as assist them with obtaining their therapy goals.

“Our occupational therapists and physiotherapists can design a customised therapy program for patients, based on an individual’s rehabilitation progress,” Mr Hogan said.

“The robot can be used as part of a multidisciplinary approach by occupational therapists, physiotherapists and other clinicians to assist a patient.”

The technology also can be used for lower limb and gait application as well as other neurological conditions, cognitive disorders and motor disorders.