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Nutrition tips for Veterans' Health Week

19 September 2018

The theme for Veterans' Health Week this year is nutrition so we spoke to our Dietitian Cassie to explain how choosing the right balance of nutritious foods can help the body and mind feel better and function at its best.

Good nutrition is an essential part of health at all stages of life.

Food is the fuel that keeps the body running and choosing the right balance of nutritious foods can help the body and mind feel better and function at its best.

Working towards better food choices can offer a variety of benefits:

  • better mental and physical health
  • more energy for daily activities
  • improved immune function
  • improved quality of life
  • improved food preparation and cooking skills
  • reduced risk of chronic health conditions
  • healthy ageing
  • opportunities for social engagement.

Every veteran and their family will have a unique experience with food and individual nutrition requirements. Some of the barriers to good nutrition that may affect some individuals, particularly anyone currently experiencing poor mental health include:

  • food accessibility and cost
  • lack of confidence in food preparation
  • difficulty physically being in shopping centres
  • lack of knowledge regarding nutritional needs
  • age-related physical changes which may affect taste, appetite and ability to shop and prepare foods.
  • effects of medication on appetite
  • effect of mental health on appetite and motivation

 A good place to start is the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating which has been developed to help individuals consume the right balance of nutrients throughout all stages of life.

If you have a specific medical condition, food allergy/intolerance or just need some extra guidance then speak with an Accredited Practicing Dietitian (APD) for more information.